Student Parking
Junior and Senior students who wish to drive to school and park a vehicle in the student parking lot are required to have a parking hanger purchased during that school year within the first day of bringing a vehicle on campus. The use of a parking hanger is a privilege and may be revoked at any time at the discretion of an administrator. Students must be clear of school obligations in order to purchase a parking pass.
Parking hangers are $70 and payments must be made Here on School Pay. You will also need to download and print this contract and have it signed by a parent/guardian AND complete this form .
If you have any questions, please see Mr. Huett in room 552.
You will be assigned a parking space which
matches the number of your parking hanger. It is the only number you may
use for your vehicle.
Note the contract requires a copy of your driver’s license (not a learner’s permit) in the student’s name
to be submitted as part of the contract.
Rules and requirements for the purchase of and maintaining a parking hanger at Ocoee High School:
- Students at Ocoee High School earn the privilege to purchase a parking hanger.This privilege is earned by meeting grade level requirements, meeting and maintaining behavior requirements, and parking lot safety requirements.
- In order to purchase a hanger for the current school year, the student must be a junior or a senior ONLY currently registered at Ocoee High School. All students need to bring current/up-to-date registration, current/up-to-date insurance card, driver's license (not permit) in the students name, Ocoee High School ID, and proof of payment to obtain the parking hanger.
- In addition to grade level, along with the rules and regulations listed below, the following behavior requirements will also apply:
- Students must have/maintain a cumulative unweighted 2.5 GPA or higher.
- Students must have less than 15 unexcused absences (Single class absences (skipping) included. Previous year attendance will determine if students are eligible for a parking pass. If you had 15 or more unexcused absences in the previous year semester 2, you must demonstrate 30 consecutive days of attendance in order to qualify for a parking pass in the current school year.
- Students must have a signed OCPS student code of conduct
- Financial obligations cleared.
- No level 3 or 4 discipline offenses. If you receive a level 3 or 4 during the year, you will lose your parking pass and will not be refunded the cost of the pass.
- No student may park on school grounds until he/she has purchased an authorized parking hanger from Ocoee High School. Hangers are not transferable to any other student
- Any student who withdraws from Ocoee High School must turn over the parking hanger during withdrawal.
- Any student who parks in an unauthorized area or parks without a legally purchased parking hanger must remove the vehicle from OCPS's campus immediately or the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense.
- Students are only allowed to park in the designated student parking lot and in their designated purchased space number.
- If they park in a space that isn’t their assigned space, their car may be towed at the owner’s expense.
- The cost of the parking hanger is $70.00 ($65.73 + $ 4.27). Please make payment on Bring either receipt or picture of receipt on your cell phone as proof of purchase.
- Report lost or stolen parking hangers to OHS administration immediately. The cost of a replacement hanger is $5.00.
- While on campus, parking hangers must be displayed from the rear view mirror and be fully visible. Failure to do so will result in the following:
- 1st offense-warning
- 2nd offense- 5 day loss of hanger
- 3rd offense-10 day loss of hanger
- 4th offense-forfeiture of hanger.
- Remember, a student earns the privilege to park their vehicle at Ocoee High School, therefore the student is not allowed to give, loan, or sell his/her parking hanger to another student. Doing so will result in forfeiture of the hanger.
- The parking hanger cannot be transferred from the registered vehicle to another vehicle without prior approval from OHS administration. Doing so will result in loss of hanger from 5 days to the remainder of the school year.
- Students are not to congregate in the parking lot, sit in or on their vehicles, or play loud music while in the parking lot prior to, during or after school or during safety drills. Failure to comply will result in the following disciplinary action: 1st offense- warning 2nd offense-5 day loss of hanger 3rd offense-10 day loss of hanger 4th offense- forfeiture of hanger
- Students must follow all traffic signs and rules of the road. Reckless driving will not be tolerated. Reckless driving of any type by a student which creates endangerment when entering, leaving or while on campus will result in the following: 1st offense- 10 day loss of hanger 2nd offense- forfeiture of hanger
- Any student who uses their vehicle for unauthorized departure from campus or to transport another student off campus without proper authorization is in violation of school policy. In addition to disciplinary action, the student will be subject to the following: 1st offense- 10 day loss of hanger 2nd offense- forfeiture of hanger.
- This shall serve as notice that Ocoee High School and the Board of Orange County are not liable for any vandalism to, theft of or from vehicles parked on school property. The administration reserves the right to modify this contract as needed.