Volunteering is a special way to get involved in your child's education. As an ADDitions School Volunteer, you can contribute by:
- accompanying your child's class on field trips
- helping as a classroom assistant
- serving on the School Advisory Council (SAC).
Parent volunteers get a close-up view of their child's school. Seeing how your child is taught also can give you ideas on how to help your child at home. VOLUNTEER NOW!
The Orange County Council of PTAs & PTSAs is a dedicated volunteer team of parents/guardians, teachers, students, and community partners that unifies and strengthens local PTA & PTSA units, and creates a public opinion favorable to the interests and welfare of all children and youth. CLICK THE ICON FOR MORE INFORMATION. |
This council is a group that brings representatives of stakeholders together to assist the school principal in developing and evaluating a school improvement plan. Each school must have a SAC that is ethnically, racially and economically representative of its community. Each SAC is composed of the principal and representatives of teachers, education support employees, parents, community members and students. High schools and technical centers must have students as part of their SAC membership. Community members are appointed by the principal. CLICK THE ICON FOR MORE INFORMATION. |
The OCPS Parent Academy is committed to a sustainable impact on student success, parenting and advocacy and personal growth/wellness. The goal of the district initiative is to empower, engage and educate families and caregivers by providing high-quality training sessions, resources and access to skills and services. Families and caregivers are provided a choice of two adult training sessions, access to childcare during the event (ages 4-18), free lunch and access to the exhibit hall. CLICK THE ICON FOR MORE INFORMATION. |
The online platform is an enrichment tool for parents and students to obtain educational information and resources. The events are accessible online from any location with internet access. Parents and children may attend from home, community sites or schools serving as host sites. The presentations are conducted by district and community experts. CLICK THE ICON FOR MORE INFORMATION. |